1How much do you charge?
We work on a flat-fee model, so your monthly payments will always be the same no matter how many times you call in. You can see our prices here.
2Do you offer any other pricing plans?
After providing service for 15 years, we find that the plans we offer are good for all kinds of businesses. However feel free to reach out to us and we will see what plan works best for you.
3Are we stuck with you for a certain period of time?
Nope! We are proud of our work and know that prosperous relationships flourish because everyone is happy. Our clients stay with us because of the quality of our work, not because they are obligated to.
4Will I still have to deal with Verizon?
Nope! Imagine never having to call Verizon, Time Warner or Comcast again! From now on any vendor relating to your infrastructure will have to answer to us. We know you’ll miss the hold music, but it’s still worth it.
5How will you help increase my bottom line?
We will concretely add to your bottom line twofold. Firstly, we will sit with you, review your bills, and eliminate any wasteful spending. We will also make sure your machines and infrastructure is performing optimally with no unplanned downtime, because we all know that time is money.
6Do you support Macs?
Yes! Macs, PCs, custom made machines, smartphones, tablets, we handle it all. We have engineers with specialties in every field.
7Will you be able to secure my environment?
Absolutely! We partner with best of breed in anti-virus, anti-malware and phishing protection, to name a few… We also proactively patch your operating systems and third party applications regularly.
8Will you replace my IT department or work alongside?
Both arrangements are common and can be successful. We can help your existing IT Department, if they are overburdened or just looking for access to specialists to help with a project. Helix Systems can provide your IT Department with the support they need with upgrades and projects. We also offer a full-service solution, whereby we become your IT Department. Businesses benefit from having a single point of contact for all their questions, all the time.
9Do you offer financing?
Yes, Helix Systems can help your business and contain expenses by offering financing for major upgrades, projects, etc...